As any actor will tell you, the same questions tend to be asked again and again, so it was suggested this section might be useful.

Do you consider yourself to be American or English (since you were born in USA but educated in England)? Where do your parents come from?
I consider myself to be, as we say in my family, ‘haff and hawf’. My father was American, born in Newark, New Jersey, and my mother was English, born in Sunbury, Middlesex. I feel equally at home in either country.
Do you have fond memories from where you were educated?
I was quite happy at prep school (7-12) but less so at my public school (Wellington College) where I was rather bullied by some of the boys and staff. Some kids are. That`s just the way it is.
Your religion?
Lapsed Christian.
Do you speak any other language besides English?
I speak German and French and a little (very little) Dutch.
Which movie do you most regret being cast in?
I approach any movie in a positive spirit, but naturally things don't always turn out quite the way you hope. John Wayne said that in a career of some one hundred movies, he was only really proud of about seven of them. I think that's about right. That said, I don’t regret any films I’ve made, although ‘Leprechaun 4’ was not a pleasant experience from a purely physical point of view. I was called daily around 5am and spent many, many hours in the make-up chair being tortured by the brilliant special effects artist Gabe Bartelos. The prosthetic was glued to my body all over from the waist up (back and front) and was extremely uncomfortable.
I can think of a lot of films I regret NOT being cast in…
Of the actors you have worked with, whom do you most admire?
In Film: Johnny Depp, Holly Hunter. Theatre: Edward Petherbridge.
TV: Derek Jacobi, Michael Richards, Kenneth Connor.
Who is your favourite actor?
Jacques Tati.
What is your favourite film?
Jour de Fête.
Do you like reading books? How often you read?
I love books but don't read as much as I used to. My eyes aren't so good any more! I love many writers.
Who is your favourite writer? Favourite book?
P.G. Wodehouse. His books are ALL my favourites. There is always at least one by my bed.
How do you see your acting career (and now that you are a producer)?
Difficult. Frustrating. Very exciting!
Would you recommend it to someone?
Not unless they had enormous talent.

David Croft with the Original Cast
'Allo 'Allo!
Can you please give at least one memory from the casting for 'Allo 'Allo?
At the casting I met only the Writer/Producer/Director David Croft and his then assistant Susie Belbin. I read for David and it was entirely his decision to give me the role.
Are the cast ever going to get back together for a reunion?
Highly unlikely. We finished shooting in 1992, after all, and have all moved on to other things. Occasional TV interviews and conventions give us a chance to re-live the good times.
If you ever had any adverse reactions from viewers when you played a Nazi?
Hubert was not a Nazi. He was an German officer in the tank corps.
At first there were some complaints in the press about "making fun of the war". But after a while even the complainers began to see that we were making fun of everyone - French, German and English alike. One of our favourite "fan letters" was a letter written to the Times newspaper by the widow of The White Rabbit - a famous (English) hero of the French Resistance. She said he would have loved the show. That was how he survived as long as he did - humour. Most who lived though that time say the same thing.
Did you sing yourself in 'Allo 'Allo?
Do you really play the piano? Because in 'Allo 'Allo! you do seem to be able.
No. I was miming on a dummy keyboard. Our talented musical director Roy Moore (who also wrote the music to the theme song) taught me the fingering and played behind the scenes. I’m flattered you didn’t know.
Have any bloopers that happened during the filming been saved as I would imagine these would be very entertaining to see?
The BBC has many of these. I don’t. The funniest I can remember is the outtake reel from the ‘suicide teeth’ scene in the train. I had to do the lines over and over because the crew were laughing so much.
A bit of trivia... Co-writer Jeremy Lloyd appeared as an extra in this sequence.
Were there any funny moments during the making of 'Allo 'Allo!?
Yes - the shows.